541-997-4435 fraaoregon@gmail.com

 Continuing Frame Loom Weaving 
Thursdays, September 5, 12, 26 and October 3 and 10, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (5 class series)
Grow your weaving skills, get support in expressing your design vision and share camaraderie with other weavers. Expand your skill with pictorial weaving and textured textiles. Techniques covered include: curves, wedge weave, open work, patterning, soumak & twining variations, and blocking and finishing.

Students must have taken Beginning Frame Loom Weaving or have permission from instructor.

-$155 per student FRAA ($175 non FRAA)
-$35 for supplies
Supplies include: warp and weft yarn and instructional handouts.
Students should bring to class: frame loom, shuttles, shed stick, packing strips and scissors.

Pre-registration is required.  Register in person, via phone or online.  Payment required when registering.  Click here to register for this class online.


About Peggy:
If Peggy isn’t in a classroom, art studio or her garden, she might be found at a garage sale or wandering around a hardware store imagining artistic uses for the objects she sees. Lines, shapes, textures, and glorious color can be found everywhere. Peggy loves to translate the world around her into painted, collaged & woven art.