541-997-4435 fraaoregon@gmail.com

Painting Holiday Cards with Peggy Ross

Wednesday, November 20, 10:00 am -12:30 pm

Hand painted cards make a lovely gift. Learn to paint Holiday baubles and make a couple of hand painted cards. Instructions will include how to make a sphere look 3-D in watercolor and suggestions for mixed media accents. you’ll leave with a creation or two and ideas for future art. A great way to get into the Holiday spirit with creativity and camaraderie.

Artists of all experience levels welcome – complete beginner through professional.

Students bring: their own paint set ups, including red, yellow & blue paint, some 140 lb. watercolor paper, a small and a medium-large round brush, pencil & eraser and any other pens, pencils or tools you like to work with.

Artist will provide: two watercolor cards with envelopes for each student, water cups and assorted mixed media materials & tools for student use.

$55 FRAA member / $60 non FRAA member
Materials fee $10
(4 student minimum / 8 student maximum)
Students of all levels

Pre-registration is required.  Register in person, via phone or online.  Payment required when registering.  Click here to register for this class online.


About Peggy:
If Peggy isn’t in a classroom, art studio or her garden, she might be found at a garage sale or wandering around a hardware store imagining artistic uses for the objects she sees. Lines, shapes, textures, and glorious color can be found everywhere. Peggy loves to translate the world around her into painted, collaged & woven art.