We are joining the Florence Chamber’s 12 th Annual Wine & Chowder Trail. It will be making a stop again this year at the Florence Events Center, Saturday, February 18th from 10am – 5pm and Sunday, February 19th, from 11am – 4pm.
Not only can you experience a taste of wine from our regional wineries but enjoy the art and fine
craftsmanship of our local artisans.
Florence Regional Arts Alliance is the organizer for the Festival, bringing together both local and regional artists and craftsmen to fill the booths, with their latest creations. Just a sample: works of art in wood; art for the garden; fiber creations of all kinds from hand- painted silk, felted and quilted items, to knit & crochet items to wear; glass works of art; jewelry designs in various media; pottery, paintings, photography and more. Some of the artists will be demonstrating their painting techniques.
In addition, FRAA will host a juried art show for local artists displaying their works. We will have both 2Dand 3D artwork with prizes awarded in each, of $300, $200 and $100 and a people’s choice award.
Admission to A Taste of Art and Wine Festival is free. Come find the float and join us for a great weekend.
For wine glasses and tasting tickets, and for more information on the Glass Float Hunt and Chowder trail participation cards, go to the Florence Chamber’s event site, www.wineandchowdertrail.com
For update on all the events happening, check the Florence Events website, www.eventcenter.org
For more information on A Taste of Art and Wine Festival, contact Claudia Brown, FRAA Event Chair at 541-902-1933.
A Taste of Art & Wine 2023 Booth Application
A Taste of Art & Wine Juried Art show 2023 Application